
“I think that the Pub Quiz is probably the most fun interactive evening out that one can find in all of Davis. Great, challenging questions, an intelligent and terrific vibe, super food and drinks. An all-around winner.”
– John Lescroart, New York Times bestselling author

“Dr. Andy is funny and fair with the quiz questions. The quiz usually kicks our ass, but occasionally we come very close to placing and that keeps our morale up enough that we keep coming back. All in all a great time that keeps us coming back week after week.”
– Katie T.

“Last night we had the pleasure of attending Dr. Andy’s Pub Quiz. Were we nervous about making donkeys of ourselves in front of our kids/teammates? Oh hell yes. We’re from Shasta County after all, so everything we know of the world we learn from Fox News, Tea Party meetings, and church on Sundays. Davis is home to a fine research university, and we were well aware that both our opponents and the quizmaster, Dr. Andy, were likely to be full of book learnin’ and NPR propaganda.

Not to worry. We placed a respectable fifth out of about 30 teams, only three correct answers out of first place and once removed from third — and TL and I (in our minds, anyway) were solid contributers. Alas, in a particularly embarassing moment, I was afflicted with brain bubbles and utterly failed to recall the name of the head coach of the Indianapolis Colts, as was my manly duty.

I’ve harbored thoughts of getting an appropriately dumbed-down pub quiz going up in Reddin’, but I came away intimidated by Dr. Andy’s showmanship. He struts around the room with microphone in hand, playing the glib, flippant, somewhat pompous know-it-all quizmaster with great aplomb. I don’t have the chops.

Five stars for Dr. Andy’s Pub Quiz!”
-Buzz F

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