The Tofurkey Edition of the Pub Quiz Newsletter


Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz,


            Happy almost Thanksgiving! I hope you have some family time planned. My immediate family will gather for some tofurkey and vegetarian giblets on Thursday, and then go out for a long bike ride. One of our family traditions is to visit the Fairfield School in far west Davis on holidays – it’s one of the most peaceful places in town, and the kids love the endless fields and the play apparatuses. I’ll be riding out there on the bicycle I bought today at B & L Bike Shop. I could have saved a few hundred dollars, probably, by buying a cheaper bike at a big department store (do we still call those everything stores “department stores?), or online with free delivery. But I couldn’t see myself doing that to our fair city. We all know what happens when we depend upon a dot com for our major purchases. The money flows out of Davis, benefiting neither our neighbors who work downtown, nor our tax coffers to pay for the Stephens branch of the library that opens two weeks from tomorrow, or the salaries of the teachers who work at the Fairfield School. And, like the attentive servers at Bistro 33, the people who work at B & L Bike Shop and the dozens of other unique downtown businesses will provide us more engaged and more effective customer service than just about any other shop or outlet.

And if you want to enjoy especially precious engagement, instead of going shopping on Friday, you could go see the opening of The Nutcracker at the Veterans Memorial Center at 2:30 and 7:30 pm. For details, visit .

            Tonight’s Pub Quiz will be a bit more full than we have grown used to over the past few weeks, but we will still have room for you if you make your reservations how. Participants this evening will be asked about Saturday Night Live, newspaper headlines, the month of April, boomer television, Mark Twain, cities you learned about in history books, the release of the entire Beatles collection on iTunes, running on empty, delicacies for carnivores, New York landmarks, unusual words referring to colors, current pop music, Reagan-era television, the British Royal Family, California superstar poets, American cities, 19th century journeys, cities that they named twice, Harry Potter, Juno, turkeys, Iowa, desperate housewives, Illinois, Shakespeare, and college football.

            I look forward to seeing you tonight at 9!


Your Quizmaster




P.S. Here are five questions from last week’s Pub Quiz:


1.            Mottos and Slogans.    What British-owned Miami-based company has not recently been living up to its commercial slogan of  “Fun For All. All For Fun”? 


2.            Internet Culture. Jimmy Wales has recently been seen staring at users of what website, demanding donations? 


3.            Newspaper Headlines.   It was announced today that the market value of the company Facebook has shot past that of EBay, thus making Facebook the third most valuable internet company. The most valuable, of course, is Google. What is the second? 


4.            Four for Four.      Which of the following British citizens have been knighted? John Cleese, Anthony Hopkins, Mick Jagger, Ringo Starr 


5.            Gunpowder Plots. Who was the most famous member of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot? 


Friends of the Pub Quiz, and those curious about all the fun and fuss associated with the Pub Quiz, should come to de Vere’s Irish Pub in Davis (217 E Street), the highly esteemed pub and restaurant that fills up every night because of the superb quality of food, drink and company that can be found there. The de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz takes place every Monday at 7pm, though players are encouraged to arrive early to claim a table. As always, find out more about the Pub Quiz by visiting For more on de Vere’s Irish Pub, visit


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