Thoughts from Previous Pub Quiz Participants

Below you will find some of the kind words shared with Your Quizmaster at the conclusion of the last stage of the previous iteration of the Pub Quiz. I hope you will join us at the de Vere’s Pub Quiz to see why everyone was making such a fuss. Putting my Quizmasterly snark aside for just a moment, I’m deeply grateful for all of you show shared your sentiments, and who attended the final Pub Quiz at the previous location. Long live the Pub Quiz!

“I am so appreciative of the massive effort that you have put into make this experience so enjoyable! I’m sorry that there won’t be future opportunities, but it would be amazing if this could continue elsewhere! Thanks for all of the amazing effort Dr. Andy!”

-Daphne Potts


“I’ll miss your quizzes and hope that you will feel proud about your time there as you rightfully should.”

-Mike Gomez


“I will so miss Pub Quiz! Thanks for your hard work!”  “To be honest, i am really going to miss the opportunity to be a snark, know-it-all, you just can’t yell at people at a poetry reading.”

-Dianna Huculak


“I was so disappointed to hear about the cancellation of the PubQuiz. You are by far the best quizmaster I’ve ever had, and I do a lot of trivia!! I will sincerely miss your amazing and challenging quizzes!”

-Pierre DuVair


“This is the best trivia night in Davis, without a doubt! I’m so sad to see this end.”

-Thomas Brown


“As an undergrad I looked forward to Monday because of pub quiz… Few people look forward to Mondays!”

-Lori Hammond


“ Monday nights just won’t be the same. And what on Earth will I do with all the random facts that swirl around my brain now that Pub Quiz is ending?”

-Lea Tyler Darrah


“I will follow your quizmasterness anywhere.”

-Cathy Leacox Farman


“Have a ball tonight, Dr. Andy.”

-Keith David Watenpaugh (of Portraits of Mohammed)


“Dr. Andy, it has been a pleasure to get to know you and your family better. And, also a pleasure to see the level of showmanship and enthusiasm you brought to pub quiz. Please come see me any time. It will be my pleasure to serve you and talk wine. Peace and blessings to you and yours.”

-Nancy Carolyn Swim


“Kristin Kameen has a table for the final Pub Quiz, hosted by Pubquiz Quizmaster. Do you?”

-Kristin Kameen


“Thanks for giving me a break from college on Monday nights, Dr. Andy! I’m sorry I’ll never get to partake in another Pub Quiz! =(“

-Priya Shukla


“Oh no! I’m so sorry I will miss the last quiz. Thank you Andy for being an amazing quizmaster.”

-Ian Golder


“Will be there for the last one! Dr. Andy: you must do another one some place in town…..we all go there because of YOU!!!!!”

-Eb Beel


“You’ve had a great run there, Andy, and you will be missed on Monday nights. :(“

-Jo Duren-Sampson


“There will be some sad Mondays forthcoming. I know this space of time this gives you will be quickly eaten up. May the appetites expand.”

-Mary Ternes


“Thank you so much for making Monday nights so much fun! I hope that you’ll host another pub quiz/trivia night somewhere… I’ll be there 🙂 I’m going to make reservations for the last pub quiz ASAP. I’m pretty sure I might shed a tear or two by the end of the night :(“

-Jasmine Kavousi


“I realize just how much I miss you and the quiz right now.”

-Professor Ben Orlove, New York City


“My entire family is upset about the ending of the pub quiz 🙁 I’ll have to find something new to do on Monday nights, but it will never be quite as exciting as pub quiz!:”

-Leslie Dickason


‎”…Figures. I get back to Davis with friends old enough, and the pub quiz dies. A moment of silence, please.”

-Eric Crowl


“This is SOOO TERRIBLE!! how will we spread our melodious voices now?”

-Katie McCarthy


“Allie Prather Had the kind of fun only teams who place second to last can have!”

-Allie Prather


“I had a great time Monday night (haha even if we didn’t do too well)!! & I might sing depending on the category and how bad we need the points lol but I’m not making any promises yet :)”

-Jasmine Kavousi


No Quiz Night? Does this mean everyone has to go to Poetry Night to see you? It’s been great having fun on some Mondays with you, too. Best wishes to your family for the rest of the school year!”

-Gina Daleiden


“I think that the Pub Quiz is probably the most fun interactive evening out that one can find in all of Davis. Great, challenging questions, an intelligent and terrific vibe, super food and drinks. An all-around winner.”

-John Lescroart, author of the 2012 novel The Hunter